
the reality of neurodiversity

A documentary project exploring the lived experiences of autistic individuals across diverse cultural contexts. Combining intimate portraits with environmental imagery, this project aims to educate, challenges misconceptions and examines cultural approaches to autism, showcasing the individuality and complexity of neurodivergent lives. So far, it includes perspectives from Germany, Iran, India, the United States, Australia, Serbia, and North Macedonia.

This #actuallyautistic work is still in progress, an interim result has been produced as a photobook dummy in 2019.

Installation view close-up featuring photo from ca. 1989 on vintage graph paper
Backyard of Stem Cell clinic that claims to offer treatment against autism, Belgrade, Serbia
Steve Silberman, science writer and author of “Neurotribes”
Tagesspiegel, treatment chair for infusions, Belgrade, Serbia
Artist Virginia Russo after a performance
“Emotional Competence Training”, LWL-Clinic Dortmund-Aplerbeck, Germany
Ulrich Zielke, psychiatrist, specialized in autism diagnoses. LWL-Clinic, Dortmund-Aplerbeck, Germany
Reza Khamaki, autistic self advocate. Tehran, Iran
“Beautiful Mind Clinic”, Theran, Iran
Dr. Wenn Lawson, autistic self advocate, in an underground car park
group show “re:vue”, Festival Voies Off, Arles, France
Schauraum, Dortmund University of Applied Sciences and Arts
Music Therapy, “Café Downtism”, Tehran, Iran
Daycare facility for autistic youth, Tehran, Iran
Photographer in the ball pit in the basement of the Autism Therapy Center Dortmund
Reproduction of the photo book dummy